A Little Stocking Stuffing

Christmas is coming and we all know everyone wants a little something catty or a touch of clockwork in their stocking, right? Well, maybe that wasn’t what you were planning for a stocking stuffer, but now you’re thinking it’s a great idea I bet. I’m here to help with a fun giveaway for your holiday or just for the heck of it if you don’t happen to celebrate Christmas. So what’s in this stocking stuffer giveaway?


You get this fantastic set of magnets...


...and some fun swag from The Girl and the Clockwork Cat.


Enter to win by December 23rd.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy Holidays!


Holiday Madness and Almost Kisses

The holidays this year have been incredibly busy. There's been dancing and iaido as usual, with kendo now added to the mix, but you have to fill in that summer caving, horse riding and kayaking time with something. (Wait! Did I actually have time for those things when the weather was nice?) There's enormous time sunk into holiday parties, visiting family, and planning out unnecessarily complicated gifts for loved ones. Then, just to keep things exciting, you add in a car accident (yeah, I realize now that this wasn't the best idea) some whiplash and all the accompanying insurance hassle, car repairs, and rehab that come with it. Suddenly, you find yourself slipping in five minutes at the computer and wondering where all the writing time went. 129090611271933535

Rather than succumb to madness, I've opted to accept that this period of time is going to be chaotic for me. There will be opportunity after the New Year (assuming the world doesn't end because some poor Mayan got sick of working on the calendar) and what better way to kick it off than with a blogfest dedicated to the almost kiss.


The 4th Annual NO KISS Blogfest!

Here are the rules:

No Kiss Blogfest Jan 2, 2013!

Things You Should Do To Prepare For The Ultimate Non-Kissage Festivities!
  1. Sometime between now and Jan 2, 2013 write a post about the No Kiss Blogfest to let everyone know you are participating and that they should too. Why? Because it's awesome! (Please link back)
  2. Sign up for the No Kiss Blogfest by filling in the Mr. Linky here. Because Mr. Linky is awesome.
  3. Tweet about No Kiss Blogfest, using the hash tag: #nokissblogfest because #hashtagsareawesome
  4. After you've recovered from New Years Eve, write a blog sharing your Almost Kiss, No Kiss Blogfest entry (either one from your WIP, one you just wrote, one from a book, movie or tv show, or even a really hot almost-kiss picture)and post on January 2, 2013!!! Because reading your posts are awesome! (Don't forget to link back)

Get ready for the steamiest day of 2013! It's going to rule! Join the fun, sign up here!

Don't forget to tune in on my blog for my entry in the No Kiss Blogfest.

Happy Holidays!
